Your Weekly Inspirational Devotional Message
from: Glorious Messages About God & Freedom
Below is the message for Week 2 from the book Glorious Messages About God & Freedom.
Please use this message as your inspirational devotional message today for the UNLEASH GOD'S FULL POWER TRAINING PROGRAM and visit this page whenever you need to read the message that goes along with each day of the year as you proceed thorough this training program to UNLEASH GOD'S FULL POWER IN YOUR LIFE AND IN OUR WORLD!
***ATTENTION: Just as an elite athlete eats a diet that is much more "nutrient rich" than the average "sugary" diet so these messages are much more "rich" in God's Truth so give yourself plenty of time to digest them and get conditioned to this level of transformative messages about God!
TODAY'S MESSAGE: Onward Christian Soldiers!
On this glorious Sunday of our Lord Jesus Christ my message to everyone is the same one immortalized in the famous Christian song titled: Onward Christian Soldiers! When we become Christians we become part of God’s army that is fully engaged in the supreme battle against evil. Like all good soldiers we must do our part and God expects us to be bold in our faith and to always be moving forward against His enemies because we have His promise that we will gain the ultimate victory with Him.
“Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; forward into battle see his banners go!” This is exactly the vision we should all have of Jesus leading us forward with His banners flying high above us to inspire us onward to victory. Just as soldiers throughout history have looked to their leaders during battle for strength and courage we can look to Jesus to give us His strength and courage to go forward against any foe. And because it is Jesus Himself leading us we have the greatest assurance of victory that any soldier ever had because as God promises us in Joshua 1:5: “No one will be able to stand their ground against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.”
Jesus also declared when He was talking about His church that: “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18) This is a clear indication of how we should go about battling evil which is to always be on the offensive because gates are meant to keep people out and we should be so aggressively battling evil that we have taken the fight to the very gates of Hell itself. An analogy we can use to better understand our duty here is the same one that Jesus Himself used many times to teach people their overall duty to God which is the effect that light has upon darkness. LIGHT ALWAYS OVERCOMES DARKNESS AND DRIVES IT AWAY! And as Jesus said in Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others…”
“Like a mighty army moves the church of God; brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.” We Christians are the army of God here on earth and we need to live up to our Divine calling just like those who went before us did. Fortunately we can always look to our brilliant heritage of Christian “saints” and how they "trod" down the enemies of God to better understand exactly how we should all go about battling evil. Even though the Christian military orders that once existed like the Knights Templars or Hospitallers have been greatly maligned and misrepresented by those hostile to God the real reason that such orders existed was simple to combat the enemies of Christ in this world in order to protect all Christians. The men who served in these orders were actually contemplative monks first and soldiers second which is an important lesson that every Christian soldier needs to learn.
It was their close relationship to God that made them the ferocious warriors they were so renowned for being. In describing their true character the noted historian of the Crusades Jacques de Vitry shows just how much like Christ (Revelation 5:5-6) they really were by referring to them as both Lions and Lambs: “They were lions in war, and gentle as lambs at home; in the field they were fierce soldiers, in church they were like hermits or monks; they were harsh and savage to the enemies of Christ, but kindly and gracious to Christians.”
In our fallen world today the forces of evil want Christians to be anything but soldiers marching forward with Jesus to victory. They instead want Christians to hide behind the doors of their churches doing nothing to stop the spread of evil. But as Jesus says again in Luke 11:33: “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, so that those who come in may see the light.” Our true duty as Christians is to shine our light so brightly that even the gates of Hell cannot stop us. And whenever we need some extra inspiration to keep assaulting the gates of Hell we need only remember the words in this wonderful hymn which so vividly displays how our ancestors like the Christian Knights served God and how we should all be serving our God:
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before! ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, MARCHING AS TO WAR, WITH THE CROSS OF JESUS GOING ON BEFORE! AMEN!
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Below are some examples of the feedback we have received from people who read our Inspirational Devotional Messages each week:
Week 1 - Celebrate The Glorious Revelation of God To Mankind!
Great explanation of the Epiphany importance! Week 2 - Onward Christian Soldiers!
Awesome message! Wow. Your the real deal. Iam truly inspired. Soldier on! Week 3 - Everyone Who Is Called By My Name Who I Created For My Glory!
Spectacular image goes well with spectacular message! Week 4 - No One Knows The Day Or Hour!
Thanks Ben. Good, as always! Week 5 - The Punishment Of The Wicked!
Repent and be saved by the mighty right hand of God, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Serve Him only. Week 6 - Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God!
Love this!
Outstanding message and History lesson! Week 7 - You Have Not Because You Ask Not
Really awesome and powerful message. Right now I am asking God for His blessings on the 12 junior high youth in our group I teach and pray and share with on Weds nights. Challenging us to get a "firm grip" and reliance on Him and on the "Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God", and in Prayer....these are two offensive weapons God has given us to fight His battles and find victory and fruit in our lives.
Week 8 - Aid Yourself And God Will Aid You!
Great historical lesson on unwavering faith, devotion, leadership and decisive action combined for Victory!
Week 9 - Jesus†Maria!
Good message. Thanks!
Another famous battle banner that heralded victory for the “first Christian Emperor of Rome” (Byzantine), was the Chi-Rho cross banner that Constantine I was given in a vision by God before a major battle in the 3rd Century. This banner is depicted on small bronze Roman coins of the time. Constantine’s mother, Helena, was a devout Christian who went to Jerusalem on a mission journey and reportedly found a piece of the true cross. Week 10 - Be A Good Soldier Of Christ!
Well done as always! Week 11 - I Will Fear No Evil For Thou Art With Me!
My Fav Psalm! Week 12 - My God! My God! Why Have You Forsaken Me?
This may be my favorite message from your series. Tho suffering and grief and pain are not my favorite things, they have drawn me closer to God and others.
Well said. Gut wrenching sacrifice for us. Kneel in the dust and raise our hands in thanks and praise for such a Love as His.
Good one, Ben.
Having been through the valley of the shadow of death with the loss of my daughter, and nearly with my wife and son, I did cry out to God, and felt forsaken for awhile. But He showed me enough of His light to keep me faithful to Him and to trust Him with all my heart and soul. Week 13 - One Bright Morning I’ll Fly Away!
Awesome devotion full of fearless truth and freedom for those willing to hear, believe and receive. And a reminder to us who have placed our trust and lives in Jesus to never be afraid of death or sharing the truth. Week 14 - Jesus Is Freedom!
Good Job! Blessings to you! HOLY WEEK - This Is My Body! … This Is My Blood!
Great message and God's Power in the body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. EASTER MORNING - JESUS MAKES DEAD PEOPLE ALIVE!
Amen. He is Risen indeed and He is our hope, joy and strength. Great message. Week 15 - HE IS RISEN!
He is Risen Indeed!
Wow what a incredible photo to go with your message! Week 16 - Remember The Love For God And Freedom That The Original American Patriots Possessed!
Wow, great message about first American patriots! I did not know that the men who fired the shot heard round the world were all from the same church in Lexington. Thanks! Week 17 - The Enemies Of God Are Every Christian’s Enemy!
So true. Amen! Week 18 - Christian Soldiers Never Fight Alone!
Loved how you integrated the story from St. Joan's life with same example from scripture. Week 19 - God Of Our Fathers!
Awesome. Thanks, Ben. Week 20 - The Star Spangled Banner Displays The Love For And Trust In God Of Our Ancestors!
Love it! Week 21 - Becoming Close To God In Order To Live Free!
Great message.
Coming anarchy by spoiled get it all for free generation will require discipline and prayer on our part. Week 22 - The Greatest Love As Demonstrated To Us By Jesus & Soldiers!
A powerful and key message to all who desire freedom. Week 23 - Learn The Proper Way to Fight For God!
Excellent message and scripture discussion. Week 24 - Our Father Who Art In Heaven!
Timely and true.
Love this message. As a Dad, it is even more encouraging to remember the higher calling I have for my kids. Week 25 - The Challenge To Be Perfect
Well explained and shared. Fixing our eyes upon Jesus lets us run the race with endurance and depend on Christ to see us through to the end. Week 26 - Trust In God And Fear Nothing!
Truly inspiring! Week 27 - The Warriors Psalm!
Always love this one! Week 28 - Jesus The Prince of Peace!
Well said! Week 29 - Blessed Are The Peacemakers!
So True! Week 30 - The Lord Is My Light And My Salvation Whom Shall I Fear!
Excellent! Sharing with family n friends.
Thanks Ben. Love Psalm 27!
Love this devotion. Keep up the great work of faith getting these out. Praying for you and all who hear these messages.
Week 31 - Put On The Full Armor Of God To Stand Against Evil!
Wonderful message and liked the way you related the Shield of Faith from Ephesians 6 with the faith promise in Romans 8:28.
AMEN and AMEN Week 32 - Take The Sword Of The Spirit!
Take up the Sword of the Spirit every morning before climbing out of bed! Thanks.
Outstanding devotion! Week 33 - Listen To THE WORD of God!
Always so good! I like the way you tie in Jeanne with Scripture.
My favorite verses on the Word are: Hebrews 4:12, John 1:14 and 2 Timothy 3:16, among others found in the Word of God / Holy Scriptures.
Great message holding on to Ephesians 6 as I enter the dragons den In Hawaii. Armor up! Week 34 - True Wisdom Comes From God
Thanks for helping me understand that only through God may we know Who His Son IS! Like Peter!
Thanks Ben. Very good. Yes, they are blind, but willfully blind. As with most cases, arrogance is the big stumbling block. At least, that's what I think. Week 35 - Do Not Neglect Your Temple Of The Holy Spirit!
Thanks Ben. I am enjoying these! Week 36 - Let Us Mount Up With Wings As Eagles!
Awesome poem and lesson. My favorite movie where this verse was preached and "owned" by Scottish gold medalist Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire. Waiting on you Lord, Grant me steadfastness in my waiting! Week 37 - I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!
..."then you better stay focused on Jesus". So true. The times I stopped fixing my eyes and heart on Him were the lowest points in my life. My fav verse in all the Bible goes right with your message today...Heb 12: 1 - 4:
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. "
Thanks! Week 38 - Strength And Courage!
Thanks, Ben. Always a good word!
Thanks and amen. Been reading about Patton lately, who indeed was a good example.
Go in Strength and Courage, Ben. Week 39 - Through God We Shall Do Valiantly!
Thanks! Makes want to be more like Joan! Week 40 - All Things Work Together For Good For Those That Love God!
Thanks for giving me a needed boost with this message! Came at a good time! Week 41 - The Lord’s Prayer IS The Perfect Prayer!
Your poem at the end touched me deeply and more than you can ever know!
Well said! Every day.
Very nice! Thanks!!
Great poem you wrote on the Lord's Prayer! Week 42 - I Am Full Of The Fury Of The Lord
AMEN BEN AMEN Week 43 - God Fought For Us: The Power Of Faith & Prayer On Display At The Battle Of Agincourt!!
Amazing, and a well written account of Battle of Agincourt. Week 44 - Celebrate All Saints Day!
Indeed! All Saints unite! Jesus paid the penalty and gifted us His Spirit at salvation that we can live like saints in His Power for His Glory.
So beautiful! Week 45 - Stop Praying And Get The People Going Forward!
A great devotional message we all need to read and heed.
Good message for today, and thanks! Week 46 - Soldiers Do Not Get Entangled In Civilian Affairs!
Good. For example, getting too entangled with all the insane politics...
Exactly! and the key word is "entangled" because it does not mean we don't try to help like Saint Joan did. Week 47 - Physical Training Is Of Some Value, But...
Love this devotion and always go back to your referenced scriptures and read the entire passages
Well presented Ben. A valuable lesson in our pursuit of godliness and Christian service. Week 48 - Worship The Lord Thy God And Him Only Shalt Thou Serve!
Great message about being totally with God! Week 49 - Whoever Is Not With Me Is Against Me
The battle to be God focused in this lost world is our spiritual battle.
This is great word Ben!
Thank you very much! This is absolutely spot on and this word needs to be shared throughout the earth in every nation and tongue! AMEN Week 50 - For God So Loved The World!
Beautiful and encouraging message of truth from Gods own living Word which became flesh and dwelt among us for awhile.
My most favorite scripture! Week 51 - Celebrate THE BIRTH of Christmas!
Awesome message plus video...shared with many.
Amen, Ben, great summary of why Jesus is the true and only hope for redemption in a broken world. CHRISTMAS DAY - THE BIRTH of Christmas Poem!
Really beautiful poem about the birth of our Lord and Savior!
Wow this poem is really good!
Never seen anything like this poem celebrating THE BIRTH of Jesus! Well done! Week 52 - Come Holy Spirit And Lead Us!
Great call to wholehearted devotion and trust in God in every endeavor and calling we have. Thanks.
Great message from the life of St. Joan about putting God first in everything!